Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I fecking hate traffic wardens!!

I realise this is yet another rant but I believe people will be with me on this one.
Traffic wardens. What in the world posseses someone to go into this profession? I mean, the whole world hates traffic wardens. If I were talking to someone in a bar and they revealed that they were a traffic warden that would be it. I don't even think I would finish my pint. Just tip it over their head and get the hell out of there. It would definitely be a deal breaker for a prospective boyfriend. Checklist: Own teeth? Yup. Doesn't live with parents? Check. No past criminal convictions? Hmmm depends what they were but ok. Job? Traffic warden? Nope not even worth a sympathy throw down. Not even if they looked like Johnny Depp and that's saying something!
I just got a ticket whilst I was at a free CPD evening learning about how better to care for peoples pets and I get outside and have a fixed penelty notice stuck to my car. At nine o clock at night! Seriously! Do these people have nothing better to do? There were loads of spaces and it wasn't even as if I was parked in a disabled bay! Nine o clock at night and I get a parking ticket. Maybe if the world wasn't so anti traffic warden, they wouldn't stick these things on our cars as they would have friends, a girlfriend, a life of their own and parties to go to. As it is, because of the profession they have chosen, they have a lot of free time to go wandering the streets when they should be parked in front of the tv with their significant other and a bottle of wine.
Maybe we should start a hug a traffic warden campagne where one day a year we're all super nice to a traffic warden. We have to hug them, ask how their life is and pretend to be interested in their lonely, tv dinner for one, talking to their cat life. "Thankyou mr/mrs traffic warden for this spectacular waste of money you have just stuck on my car. I'm going to show you the love and affection you are missing from your sad pathetic little life so that you can see what you're missing out on for the rest of the year."
Then we send them on their way, pondering their chosen career path. It'll either make them so sad that they are missing out on the wonders of love that they hand their notice in the next day screaming "love me, love me, I need to be loved!" or they'll be so depressed that they kill themselves. Either way; less traffic wardens. Win.

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